Every day you can hear one or other advice or myths related to food and health. But have you ever thought about the relevance and facts behind it. You just do not have to believe all those myths and old wives stories which you hear.

Here are some well known food myths and facts behind it.

* Red wine is healthier than white wine: This myth is true in a sense that Red wine contains more amounts of antioxidants compared to white wine and other alcoholic beverages and the antioxidants in wine can help protect from heart disease.

* Drinking Alcohol is Good for Health: The statement is half true and half false, A small amount of alcohol can be better for your health while more than recommended can have a detrimental effect on the brain, liver, heart and many other bodily organs

* Swallowed gum can take years to digest: This is a false concept from the old wives' tale that states that swallowed chewing gum may take up to seven years to become fully digested. Chewing gum does resist complete digestion by the body like other foods.

* Organic Food is better Than Non-organic: This is a false concept that Organic food has basically the same nutritional value as non-organic food unless you actually go to the farm or grow the products in your own garden.

* Chocolate is good for Health: It is not exactly true but there are some evidences which suggests that dark chocolate is good for you as it contains antioxidants. Chocolate can sometimes increase your body fat level.

* Reducing salt intake can reduce blood pressure: This is a true belief. Most people reducing salt in the diet can help to lower blood pressure and losing some weight can also have a greater effect on BP.

* Eating carrots will increase your eye sight: There is something true in this statement that carrots are a great source of Vitamin A, which plays a vital role in eye health.

* Sugar cause weight gain: It is a false concept Carbohydrates do not cause weight gain unless they contribute to excess calorie intake.

* Eating most of your food in the evening can make you fat: It is not so true, the fact is, you become fat when you eat more calories than you burn off.

* Fat-free foods are equal to calorie-free: This is absolutely wrong concept, Munching on fat-free foods may help to lose weight but a lot of fat-free foods have the same amount or even more calories than regular versio


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