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7 Natural Remedies That Help to Remove The Uric Acid That Causes Arthritis

 Remedies That Help to Remove The Uric Acid That Causes Arthritis2015-03-02T03:59:31+00:00
Sharp uric acid crystals cause pain and inflammation in tissues. Some herbs do miracles when it comes to dissolving and eliminating uric acid crystals.
In this article we suggest that you try these natural products and herbs to eliminate the uric acid known as the root-cause of arthritis.
Apple Cider Vinegar
In folk medicine apple cider vinegar is largely used in the treatment of sore joints. Regular application of this treatment results in retraction of the joints within a month.
Soak a bandage or a piece of cloth in some apple cider vinegar and apply the compress on your swollen joints or varicose veins. Wrap well. Repeat the remedy every morning and evening. You can also dissolve 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of lukewarm water and drink the liquid every day.
Burdock Root
This traditional herbal remedy is useful in the treatment of arthritis associated conditions, including acute gout attacks.
According to “The Essential Book of Herbal Medicine” burdock root eliminates the toxins in the bloodstream, reduces inflammation and promotes proper excretion of urine which contains uric acid, and this is why it is commonly recommended as an effective folk remedy for gout.
Health experts recommend combining 20-30 drops of burdock root tincture and 9 oz of water 3-4 times a day, and the treatment should last for a few days.
Pineapple is packed with bromelain, an enzyme that reduces inflammation. Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which has been shown to be useful in reducing inflammation. Pineapple juice relieves arthritis-related joint pain and strengthens your wrists.
Lemon Juice
Many people believe that lemon juice makes the body more acidic, but believe it or not, it actually creates an alkaline environment and neutralizes uric acid. Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which is quite important when it comes to decreasing uric acid level.
  • Juice a lemon and add it to a glass of warm water. Drink warm lemon water in the morning before you eat or drink anything. For optimal results, consume this drink for several weeks.
  • Vitamin C supplements also work great. Consult your doctor for the proper dosing.
Calendula is excellent when it comes to strengthening your wrists and preventing diseases. Use it in several ways, or combine some of the methods that work best for you.
For instance, make a nice and warm bath and add some calendula leaves and flowers. Use it as a compress for your joints or make a nice cup of tea using calendula leaves.
If you are looking for some herbal solution to your health problem, then parsley tea is probably what you are looking for.
Parsley is a great herb to use in a salad, however it also makes a highly beneficial tea as well. Regular consumption of parsley tea stimulates the elimination of uric acid buildups in the joints, especially when combined with mulberry juice.
Drink Plenty of Water
When it comes to drinks, water is the best choice if you want to maintain normal level of uric acid. Water stimulates the kidneys to remove toxic buildups and excess uric acid from the organism.
Drink 3 liters of water a day, eat foods with high percent of water, and you can also drink some skim milk or coffee.
(Courtesy: Healthy Food House)


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