10 Ways to Get Ahead through Giving
are pleased to present an excerpt from Adam Grant’s new
book, Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success.Grant is an
organizational psychologist at The Wharton School, where he has
studied why some people become successful while others languish. His
answer is surprising: The people most likely to rise to the top are
often those who give the most to others—people Grant calls
“givers,” as opposed to the “takers” who try to get as much
as possible from others and the “matchers” who try to give and
take in equal amounts.
are 10 research-tested actions you can take to become a successful
giver at your work or in your life.
Your Giver Quotient.
often live in a feedback vacuum, deprived of knowledge about how our
actions affect others. So to help you start stepping up your giving,
I’ve designed a series of free online tools that you can use to
track your impact and assess your self-awareness. Along with filling
out your own survey, you can invite people in your network to rate
your reciprocity style, and you’ll receive data on how often
you’re seen as a giver, taker, and matcher.
a Reciprocity Ring. What
could be achieved in your organization—and what giving norms would
develop—if groups of people got together weekly for 20 minutes to
make requests and help one another fulfill them? This is a
“Reciprocity Ring,” and you can learn more about how to start
one in your organization by visiting Cheryl and Wayne Baker’s
company, Humax, which offers a suite of social networking tools for
individuals and organizations. They’ve created materials to run a
Reciprocity Ring in person and a Ripplleffect tool for running it
online. People typically come together in groups of 15 to 30. Each
person presents a request to the group members, who make
contributions, using their knowledge, resources, and connections to
help fulfill the request.
Other People Craft Their Jobs—or Craft Yours to Incorporate More
often end up working on tasks that aren’t perfectly aligned with
their interests and skills. A powerful way to give is to help others
work on tasks that are more interesting, meaningful, or
developmental. In 2011, a vice president named Jay at a large
multinational retailer sent emails to each of his employees
announcing a top-secret mission, with details to be shared on a
need-to-know basis in one-on-one meetings. When employees arrived
individually for the meetings, Jay asked them what they would enjoy
doing that might also be of interest to other people. He then sent
them out into the company to pursue their mission with three rules:
It has to (1) appeal to at least one other person, (2) be low or no
cost, and (3) be initiated by you.
the secret missions, Jay encouraged his employees to engage in job
crafting, a concept introduced by Amy Wrzesniewski and Jane Dutton,
management professors at Yale and the University of Michigan,
respectively. Job crafting involves innovating around a job
description, creatively adding and customizing tasks and
responsibilities to match personal interests and values. A natural
concern is that people might craft their jobs in ways that fail to
contribute to their organizations. To address this concern, Amy,
Justin Berg, and I partnered with Jennifer Kurkoski and Brian Welle,
who run a people and innovation lab at Google. In a study across the
United States and Europe, we randomly assigned Google employees
working in sales, finance, operations, accounting, marketing, and
human resources to a job-crafting workshop. The employees created a
map of how they’d like to modify their tasks, crafting a more
ideal but still realistic vision of their jobs that aligned with
their interests and values. Six weeks later, their managers and
coworkers rated them as significantly happier and more effective.
help people craft their jobs, Justin, Amy, and Jane have developed a
tool called the Job Crafting Exercise. It’s what we used to
conduct the Google workshops, and it involves creating a “before
sketch” of how you currently allocate your time and energy, and
then developing a visual “after diagram” of how you’d like to
modify your job. The booklets can be ordered online and completed in
teams or individually to help friends and colleagues make meaningful
modifications to their jobs.
a Love Machine.
many organizations, givers go unrecognized. To combat this problem,
organizations are introducing peer recognition programs to reward
people for giving in ways that leaders and managers rarely see. A
Mercer study found that in 2001, about 25 percent of large companies
had peer recognition programs, and by 2006, this number had grown to
35 percent—including celebrated companies like Google, Southwest
Airlines, and Zappos.
Lab, the company behind the virtual world Second Life, developed a
fascinating approach called the Love Machine. In a high-tech
company, many employees aim to protect their time for themselves and
guard information closely, instead of sharing their time and
knowledge with colleagues. The Love Machine was designed to overcome
this tendency by enabling employees to send a Love message when they
appreciated help from a colleague. The Love messages were visible to
others, rewarding and recognizing giving by linking it to status and
reputations. One insider viewed it as a way to get “tech geeks to
compete to see who could be the most helpful.” Love helped to
“boost awareness of people who did tasks that were sometimes
overlooked. Our support staff, for instance, often received the most
Love,” says Chris Colosi, a former Linden manager.
try out the Love Machine in your organization, look up a new
electronic tool called SendLove. It’s available from LoveMachine,
a new start-up that will first have you choose a recognition period
for your team’s Love messages. Team members can send each other
short messages recognizing giving, and the messages are all publicly
the Five-Minute Favor.
people what they need and look for ways to help at a minimal
personal cost, such as giving honest feedback and making an
introduction. Here’s a simple exercise to get started as a
connector. Start by going through your Rolodex, LinkedIn, or
Facebook network. Identify pairs of people who share an uncommon
commonality. Then, pick one pair a week and introduce them by email.
You might also reconnect with dormant ties—not to get something,
but to give. Once a month, reach out to one person with whom you
haven’t spoken in years. Find out what they’re working on and
ask if there are ways that you can be helpful.
Powerless Communication.
a giver often requires a change in habits—from talking to
listening, self-promoting to advice-seeking, and advocating to
inquiring. Jim Quigley, a senior partner at Deloitte who previously
served as CEO, decided to work on his powerless communication. He
set a goal in meetings to talk no more than 20 percent of the time.
“One of my objectives is listening. Many times, you can have
bigger impact if you know what to ask, rather than knowing what to
say. I don’t learn anything when I’m speaking. I learn a lot
when I’m listening,” Quigley told me. As he shifted from answers
toward questions, Quigley found himself gaining a deeper
understanding of other people’s needs. “It doesn’t come
naturally to everyone, but it’s a habit, and you can form that
habit.” For more on the power of powerless communication, visit
the blogs bySusan Cain, author of the recent book Quiet, and
Jennifer Kahnweiler, author of The Introverted Leader.
a Community of Givers.
find other givers, join aFreecycle community, where you can give
away goods and see what other people need. Another inspiring
community of givers is ServiceSpace, the home of a series of
Giftivism initiatives started by Nipun Mehta. Headquartered in
Berkeley, California, ServiceSpace has over 400,000 members and
sends over 50 million emails a year. Yet they still operate by three
rules: “no staff, no fundraising, and no strings attached.”
Through ServiceSpace, Nipun has created a platform for people to
increase their giver quotients, divided into three categories: gift
economy projects, inspirational content, and volunteer and nonprofit
support. One of the gift economy projects is Karma Kitchen, where
the menu has no prices. When the bill arrives, it reads $0.00 and
contains just two sentences: “Your meal was a gift from someone
who came before you. To keep the chain of gifts alive, we invite you
to pay it forward for those who dine after you.”
8. Launch a Personal Generosity Experiment. If you’d rather give on your own, try the GOOD 30-day challenge. Each day for a month, GOOD suggests a different way to give. For more examples of random acts of kindness, check out Sasha Dichter’s 30-day generosity experiment and Ryan Garcia’s year of daily random acts of kindness. Dichter, the chief innovation officer at the Acumen Fund, embarked on a monthlong generosity experiment in which he said yes to every request for help that he received. Garcia, a sales executive at ZocDoc, is performing one random act of kindness every day for an entire year and keeping a blog about his experience, from stepping up as a mentor to thanking a customer service representative. As research shows, this generosity experiment is likely to be most psychologically rewarding if you spend somewhere between two and 11 hours a week on it, and if you distribute it into larger chunks—multiple acts once a week, instead of one act every day.
8. Launch a Personal Generosity Experiment. If you’d rather give on your own, try the GOOD 30-day challenge. Each day for a month, GOOD suggests a different way to give. For more examples of random acts of kindness, check out Sasha Dichter’s 30-day generosity experiment and Ryan Garcia’s year of daily random acts of kindness. Dichter, the chief innovation officer at the Acumen Fund, embarked on a monthlong generosity experiment in which he said yes to every request for help that he received. Garcia, a sales executive at ZocDoc, is performing one random act of kindness every day for an entire year and keeping a blog about his experience, from stepping up as a mentor to thanking a customer service representative. As research shows, this generosity experiment is likely to be most psychologically rewarding if you spend somewhere between two and 11 hours a week on it, and if you distribute it into larger chunks—multiple acts once a week, instead of one act every day.
Fund a Project. Many
people are seeking financial support for their projects. On
Kickstarter, known as the world’s largest funding platform for
creative projects, you can find people looking for help in designing
and launching movies, books, video games, music, plays, paintings,
and other products and services. On Kiva, you can identify
opportunities to make microloans of $25 or more to entrepreneurs in
the developing world. Both sites give you the chance to see and
follow the progress of the people you help.
Help More Often.
If you want other people to be givers, one of the easiest steps is
to ask. When you ask for help, you’re not always imposing a
burden. Some people are givers, and by asking for help, you’re
creating an opportunity for them to express their values and feel
valued. By asking for a five-minute favor, you impose a relatively
small burden—and if you ask a matcher, you can count on having an
opportunity to reciprocate. Wayne and Cheryl Baker note that people
can “start the spark of reciprocity by making requests as well as
helping others. Help generously and without thought of return; but
also ask often for what you need.”
article was originally printed by Greater
Good Science Science Center and is republished with permission.
Grant is a management professor at the University of
Pennsylvania's Wharton School and author of the new book Give
and Take. His research focuses on work motivation, job design,
prosocial helping and giving behaviors, proactivity, and leadership.
Daily Good)
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