Your Brain on Technology Overload
Nowadays, we've been talking about technology overload . Continuing the discussion, we spoke with Edie Zusman, MD opens new window , a neurosurgeon with Eden Medical Center, about how multi-tasking impacts our brains. Dr. Zusman has written about the impact of technology overload on physicians in the Journal of Neurosurgery. Our opportunities for multi-tasking – and being interrupted – have grown greatly over the last few years. The phone that used to sit on the kitchen wall is now in our pocket or purse, so we can be called anywhere. But it’s not just a phone, it’s a mini-computer itself, so all the new technology distractions are always with us. Is this a good thing? Most would give a resounding “Yes!” to that question. What’s wrong with information and entertainment at your fingertips? Who wouldn’t want easy communication with anyone, anywhere? But can our brains can handle the sheer amount of input coming our way? Are there disadvantages to using multiple technology gadgets...