
Showing posts from October, 2015

Five Ways to Prevent Digital Eye Strain

Today, many people spend hours each day sitting in front of a computer screen. Once you get in the flow, you may not take a break for several hours. When you finally do turn away, your eyes may feel tired and perhaps your vision is a bit blurry. “Digital eye strain is increasingly common,” says   Marianne Ghatta, O.D.,   an optometrist with the   Palo Alto Medical Foundation.   “Many of my patients come in with eye strain and blurred vision, simply from staring at the computer for too long, too often.” Digital eye strain, sometimes called computer vision syndrome, can occur when you sit closely in front of a screen for two hours or more without taking a break. Symptoms can include eye strain or tiredness, blurred vision, headache, and neck or shoulder pain. Dry eyes cause most of the symptoms. Typically, we blink about 18 times a minute when we’re going about our day. Each blink releases a bit of moisture over our eyes. Our blink rate decreases when we’re s...